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Wednesday 1 December 2021

VEAC receives request from Minister to assess forests in Strathbogie Ranges and Mirboo North

VEAC has now received the formal request from Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio to undertake the first phase of the scientific assessment of the values of areas identified as Immediate Protection Areas (IPAs) in eastern Victorian forests and protected from timber harvesting since November 2019. Phase 1 will assess IPAs in the Strathbogie Ranges and Mirboo North. The second phase is expected to commence in 2022 and will include IPAs in the forests of the Central Highlands and East Gippsland.

Friday 13 August 2021

Government responds to VEAC’s Assessment of Victoria’s Coastal Reserves recommendations

The Victorian government has accepted or accepted in principle all 9 recommendations in VEAC’s Assessment of Victoria’s Coastal Reserves Final Report. The Government Response was tabled in State Parliament on Thursday 5 August 2021. You can read the response here

Friday 23 July 2021

Victorian Government announces new appointments to VEAC

The Victorian Government has announced the appointment of members to the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council from 7 July 2021. New members are Mellissa Wood (Chairperson), Nicola Ward and Nick Wimbush. Two current members, Joanne Duncan and Anna Kilborn, have been reappointed to the Council.    Find out more about the Council members here  

Thursday 24 June 2021

Government responds to VEAC’s Central West Investigation recommendations

The Victorian Government Response to the recommendations in VEAC’s Central West Investigation final report was tabled in State parliament today. Read the media release of the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio MP. 

Friday 11 June 2021

Progress updates available for Aspects of Public Land Use Information project

Updates are now available here outlining VEAC’s progress on the technical advice requested by the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate on aspects of public land use information. Updates have been prepared for the two areas specified in the terms of reference: (a) data on recreational activities on Victoria’s public land and (b) improvements to the VEACRecs25 dataset on public land use decisions. 

Thursday 22 April 2021

Renewing Victoria’s public land legislation

As part of its Statewide Assessment of Public Land in 2017 VEAC recommended a complete rewrite of Crown land legislation with a consultation paper as part of the legislative reform process. The government has now issued a consultation paper which you can view by visiting Engage Victoria.

Thursday 25 March 2021

Advice on Aspects of Public Land Use Information

VEAC was requested on 30 November 2020 by the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change the Hon Lily D’Ambrosio MP to provide advice on aspects of public land use information.   The request is for technical advice on aspects of public land use information and does not extend to recommending changes to public land use. Further information and the full terms of reference are available here.

Thursday 25 March 2021

Bill Borthwick Student Scholarships 2021 announced

VEAC received an outstanding range of applications. The successful projects are an interesting spread from studying the translocation of reptiles in fire-prone landscapes to looking at cemeteries as civic spaces. The recipients of the 2020 scholarships can be viewed here.

Tuesday 9 March 2021

50th anniversary

Fifty years ago, VEAC’s predecessor the Land Conservation Council was established. VEAC is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2021, with a program of online events. Details of events will be posted on our social media and website throughout the year. You can find out more on our 50th anniversary page.

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