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Bill Borthwick Student Scholarships 2025 - Call for applications

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Applications for the 2025 round of Bill Borthwick Student Scholarships are now open.

The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) provides annual scholarships for tertiary students to support research on the values and management of public land in Victoria.

The scholarships were established in 2011 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the first meeting of VEAC’s predecessor, the Land Conservation Council (LCC). They honour the vision of the Hon. Bill Borthwick, Victoria’s first Minister for Conservation who led the establishment of the LCC in 1970 to advise governments on the use of Victoria’s public land. 

Applications close at 5:00 pm on Tuesday 11 March 2025.

Areas of Research Focus

The council is seeking applications for research which informs its role to “advise on the protection and sustainable management of the environment and natural resources of public land”. This can include:

  • public land management practice e.g. sustainable, active and adaptive management
  • ecological, geological, social and cultural values of public land
  • synergies and trade-offs between public land uses e.g. recreation, ecosystem services and ecological outcomes. 


Applicants must be enrolled in an Australian university in 2025, undertaking an honours, masters or PhD research project related to public land management in Victoria. Relevant fields of study may include natural and social sciences.


Scholarships will be awarded in the range of $500 to $2,500. Criteria for selection include the:

  • relevance of the research to understanding public land values and management
  • quality and achievability of the project
  • the difference the scholarship may make to the achievement of the project.

VEAC generally seeks to award scholarships across a range of disciplines and degree levels, and considering Victorian public sector’s diversity and inclusion policy.

Conditions of the scholarship

  • A brief report outlining the progress of the research project must be forwarded to the Executive Officer of VEAC by 30 June 2026.
  • Any publications arising from the project scholarship should acknowledge the scholarship, and a copy of the publications should be forwarded to the Executive Officer of VEAC.
  • Recipients are expected to give a presentation on their research project to VEAC.

Any queries should be directed to Executive Officer, VEAC on 1800 134 803 (toll free from landline) or to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For further information about VEAC, see

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