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ECC Marine, Coastal & Estuarine Investigation (1997-2000)


  • Draft
  • In progress
  • Completed


In September 1991, the LCC was required by the Victorian government, to conduct an investigation of marine, coastal and estuarine areas in the Victoria. The investigation area extended from the Victorian offshore territorial limit (3 nautical miles) to a distance of approximately 1 kilometre inland from the high-water, it includes the land (terrain, and overlying water) affected by marine, coastal and estuarine processes. The bed and associated waters of the Gippsland Lakes were excluded.

A descriptive report was published in June 1993. During and following the submission period, the Council received 166 submissions. Council published its proposed recommendations in April 1995. During and following this second submission period the Council received 739 submissions commenting on the proposed recommendations. Due to the difficult and controversial nature of the investigation, the LCC then took the unusual step of publishing draft final recommendations in June 1996 for a further round of public consultation. 

The LCC was in the process of considering submissions received following publication of the draft final recommendations and preparing its final recommendations when it was abolished and replaced by the ECC in July 1997.

In September 1997 the government formally requested the ECC undertake an investigation of marine, coastal and estuarine areas in the Victoria. The investigation area was unchanged from that of the LCC’s special investigation. The terms of reference required an interim report recommending options for the early establishment of at least one marine park and at least one marine aquaculture area. The interim report was published in February 1998.  The Minister requested in December 1998 that the ECC review its recommendation in the interim report for a Port Phillip Heads Marine Park.

The 236 submissions received in response to the invitation in the interim report to comment on broader objectives, principles and criteria for aspects of marine environmental planning and management were considered in framing the draft recommendations. A draft report was published in December 1999.

About 2,500 written submissions were received commenting on the draft report. The Council published its final report in August 2000, recommending amongst other things a system of highly protected marine national parks and marine sanctuaries making up 6.2% of Victoria’s marine waters.

This was the longest and one of the most difficult investigations carried out by the LCC and the ECC. Over the nine years of the investigations a record six documents were published reflecting the contentious nature of the issues.  All the documents are available from this page.

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